Yesterday was Mother’s Day and there was such an outpouring on social media of love and heartfelt appreciation from so many for their wonderful mothers – I must admit it made me jealous. You who really feel like that from your heart don’t know how lucky and blessed you are. You who have had mothers who were loving and supportive – you don’t know how lucky you are.
Sometimes I wonder if everyone is telling the truth about their mothers or just saying these things because they feel they “should”. Because you see there are also quite a few people (like me) from dysfunctional families who have had mothers who were not such saints, to put it mildly. Some people have had mothers who weren‘t so perfect, who were a mixture of good intentions and a lot of immaturity and confusion. And then you have people like me who have had mothers who were downright unkind, or maybe even cruel, mothers who were self-occupied and/or mentally unstable.
Which is why for people like me – watching the Mother’s Day outpouring can trigger a lot of pain, sorrow and even anger. So for people like me telling the truth about our mothers and what happened to us in our childhood is an important step in our recovery from our own childhood traumas and a part of our healing and learning to take back our power and be our own loving mothers!